When I was a child, most of us were into collecting baseball cards. We would spend much of our allowance trying to get all of the cards and since each pack that you bought had different cards, you would wind up with numerous duplicates before getting the 'star' players. Sadly for most of us, our baseball card collection went by the wayside when we became teenagers and discovered other things... like girls. However, I do have a friend who's mother was wise enough to put his cards in a green garbage bag and there they sat in the closet for many years until my friend rediscovered them years later as an adult. Several of those cards are now worth a good bit of money, like the two Pete Rose cards that he possesses.
While there will always be a market for Sports Memorabalia, mass production will most likely keep a lid on the appreciation value of most of the cards printed today. The one's that will become valuable will be the 'limited editions'(if there is such a thing)and the cards that are put out in small circulation due to errors or some other variable like the one with Billy Ripken and his baseball bat with the writing on the end referring to 'Richard Head'. The Orioles once had a player named Dick Hall but he was from the sixties so I don't believe he had that Dick in mind.
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