Saturday, January 19, 2008


Sports apparel is a multi-billion dollar business. From shoes, jerseys, jackets, banners, etc.; people are willing to spend 'mucho dinaro' to show their support for the team. Nike for instance sells shoes that start at $90 and ranges up close to $300? For tennis shoes? Back in my day, the 'cool' thing was wearing a pair of 'Jack Purcell' tenna shoes. White was ok, but if you had purple, you were really cool. I usually wore 'fishheads' which was a cheap version of J.P.'s. I usually tried to customize them to make them look like Jack Purcell's but it didn't take long for a kid to holler, "Bill's wearing fishheads". This ignominy was perhaps the origin of my childhood inferiority complex. By the way, J.P.'s sold for $9.95.

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