If you think NFL football fans are fanatics, you should go to one of the Nascar circuit races. There you'll find tens of thousands of people sitting in the stands getting tanked while cheering, cussing, screaming and hollering as 'their' man races around the track at about 200 miles an hour trying to outslick the others.
I read recently that Nascar has the second largest number of viewers behind NFL football. It might have even surpassed it by now. It has become as much as a ritual as Sunday football. On race day, you will find them glued to their T.V. sets for hours on end. A short while back, I went along with a friend up to see one of his buddies in West Virginia. Went I got there, they were all sitting on the couch drinking Bud, and cheering as loudly as if they were at the race themselves. You couldn't begin to carry a conversation until the race was over, and then they were the nicest people you could want to be meet. To be honest, I just don't get the attraction. The only reason I watch car races from time to time would be to see a crash. I guess you have to understand the culture of Nascar to get it.
In any event, Nascar has come quite a ways since the days of Moonshine runners.
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