Monday, January 14, 2008

The Thug Mentality

One of the biggest changes that I've observed in Sports is the thug mentality that permeates much of the Sports world today. The N.F.L., commonly referred to by many as the National Felony League, usually contributes a couple of its finest to the American Penal System each year. The N.B.A. is another sport that counts several offenders among its roster. However, it's not just the Pro's; you see the same types of behavior occuring in College Sports and at other levels as well. Some of what you see going on can possibly be attributed to the fact that the behavior of athletes is just a reflection of the degrading of the American culture. However, I would contend that another aspect that contributes to the crimimal element in Sports is that many of the rosters of teams today consist of individuals that come from a background of thuggery. It's likely that if not for their exceptional athletic ability, many of the athletes playing sports would be in jail or worse.

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